Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Janurary Terrarium Meeting

Terrarium Barb from Michaleen's created for us
 Wow, what an afternoon we had at our regular Tuesday meeting!  As I posted on my facebook page, visiting Michaleen's made my heart sing.  January is the month I really have a tough time: I can't start seedlings yet; my skills aren't up to winter gardening in a high tunnel or cold frame; and finally, I HAVE TIME and want to spend it in the garden!  Joining the Auraca group for a meeting in a greenhouse full of plants has helped me through another week of blahhhh's.

First, we spent some time visiting and enjoying some lovely snacks provided by Jeanne.  Rosemary Shortbread Cookies - Oh my goodness!!  I'm glad there are no calories involved when you add herbs to a cookie: my diet would be crushed if there were!! After our business meeting, Barb, our kind host from Michaleen's, taught us all about these fabulous little gardens called terrariums.  Much has changed since the fish-tank version I made in elementary school several decades ago!  Barb created the one you see above.  She showed us how to choose plants including why some just won't work.  To maintain a terrarium, it is very important to be able to prune and do it often and ruthlessly.  At one point, she was snipping, snipping and snipping this cute plant down so much it reminded me of cutting the hair on my Barbie dolls when I was a child.  My heart started pounding nervously.  The Barbie dolls never grew their hair back: would this poor plant suffer the same fate?  Barb emphasized the importance of keeping the plants small and also how the plants she was using could handle the haircut just fine. They are not Barbie doll plants by any means!

All in all, I can see many terrariums in my future... Our basement is a low light environment, as is my son's room.  My son's room probably could benefit from some oxygen producing creatures, too. What perfect places to begin another gardening adventure: terrariums!

Beautiful Greenhouse Plants!

The greenhouse at Michaleen's was LOVELY!!  If you are suffering from the winter blahhhh's, stop by and visit.  They are open 9am - 5pm weekdays.  Be sure to check out the wall planter: you will be amazed!

Geraniums for your eyes and nose!

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Upcoming Meetings

Bring your lunch and a tea mug!

May 14 - 11:45 am at Sycamore Hill Gardensin Marcellus, at 2130 Old Seneca Turnpike, with your lunch and a mug. A donation of $8 is requested for the Baltimore Woods Nature Center.
Herb of the Month and Program– Cathy D.

June 11 - 11:45 am at Der Rosenmeister, 190 Seven Mile Drive, Ithaca
ProgramLeon Ginenthal will tell us about his heirloom and modern roses. Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess – Melanie S.
Herb of the month Kathleen S.
July 9 - 11:45 am at Lili's Garden, 16 Dublin Hill Road, Aurora, NY
Program Some history and lore of Labyrinths. Enjoy Lili's garden and walk her classical 7-circuit boxwood labyrinth. Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess Lili M.
Herb of the month Susan H.

August 13 - 11:45 am at Terie Rawn's Woodland Wonder Garden in Newfield, NY Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess – Norma Jean W.
Herb of the month Melanie S.