Upcoming Meetings

Bring your lunch and a tea mug!

May 14 - 11:45 am at Sycamore Hill Gardensin Marcellus, at 2130 Old Seneca Turnpike, with your lunch and a mug. A donation of $8 is requested for the Baltimore Woods Nature Center.
Herb of the Month and Program– Cathy D.

June 11 - 11:45 am at Der Rosenmeister, 190 Seven Mile Drive, Ithaca
ProgramLeon Ginenthal will tell us about his heirloom and modern roses. Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess – Melanie S.
Herb of the month Kathleen S.
July 9 - 11:45 am at Lili's Garden, 16 Dublin Hill Road, Aurora, NY
Program Some history and lore of Labyrinths. Enjoy Lili's garden and walk her classical 7-circuit boxwood labyrinth. Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess Lili M.
Herb of the month Susan H.

August 13 - 11:45 am at Terie Rawn's Woodland Wonder Garden in Newfield, NY Bring your lunch and a tea mug!
Hostess – Norma Jean W.
Herb of the month Melanie S.